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    Who is Rania Sears?

    Selling property or managing your rental property is something that I'm absolutely ace at, writing a bio about myself is where I really suck...

    Having said that and giving you some perspective, here's a little about me that you may wish to know before you entrust your biggest investment to me.

    Some things drive my very being...

    Family means the world to me as I am one of 6 siblings, born in New Zealand. If you know anything about New Zealander's (besides the fact there are more sheep than people) you'll know that we're unflappable, honest, down to earth and hard workers. I've continued the family tree and have 6 kids of my own, that some days test me and my patience levels, but on the whole my world would not be complete without them.

    I'm solo now, having been through a journey that I would not wish upon anyone where the love of my life and amazing father to my children passed away through a battle with cancer at a young age.

    That journey has taught me a lot about life and to really value people and family. It has also taught me that life is far too short not to pursue your dreams and enjoy every moment.

    I've honed my skills..

    My background sees 9 years as a PA and Administrator of a large charitable trust, which involved honing my skills in team management, finance management and project management.  Another 9 years was spent in large scale event management where the above skills were even further tweaked and enhanced.

    From there and since 2010 I've been very fortunate to be able to enjoy my greatest passion in life and turn that into a career and subsequent business which is property and people.

    My clients think the world of me...

    I'm very proud of what I've created and all of the reviews that you will see throughout this site and sites like Nestler, are a testament to me loving what I do.

    My clients have described me as the queen of hearts, because every single day I put my heart and soul into achieving the results that they are looking for.

    Did I mention that I really really really love coffee...

    As mentioned above I'm a far better face to face communicator than a writer of bios about myself, so what are you waiting for, reach out now and lets have a coffee and discuss your property needs?

    Call me on 0497 838 271 or reach out via Facebook Messenger now >